The town giving sober teens free beer

A 2010 study found that massage therapy can alleviate symptoms of anxiety, and additional research from 2012 revealed short-term aromatherapy can lower blood pressure. So, treat yourself to a spa-themed party when your birthday rolls around for ultimate relaxation. Whether you plan a rejuvenating retreat at home complete with DIY spa treatments and aromatherapy, or purchase a group spa package, spending the day getting pampered beats hitting up any bar. For most people, five-star meals are reserved for certain occasions, and your birthday is the perfect excuse to splurge on a special bite.

You don’t want anything that can remind the guests of their prior activities or anything that will put the spotlight back on alcohol. This is a great one that encourages people to celebrate their authentic selves, which is a key recovery concept. A talent show can help people feel seen and also get them excited thinking about the party. They’ll be focusing on their act, not the fact that they’ll stay sober.

Focus on Food and Drink

For your artsy group of friends, check out what plays are currently running at professional theater companies. It can be a special experience to dress up for your birthday and watch a live performance if that’s not your norm. Just be sure to reserve tickets ahead of time with your friends so you can buy the best seats in the house. Or, snag a row of cheap seats if you make last-minute plans to see a show.

When throwing a sober party, make sure to allow those people a viable “exit strategy”. Make it known that it is alright to simply make a no-questions-asked-retreat. That is why you should limit your guests to people that are known not to drink at parties. While you may make an exception here and there, it is best to stick to this rule.

Discovering the Dangers of Being a Functioning Drug Addict?

All in all, while it is a subject that merits some consideration, the choice ultimately does not matter that much. What is important is that you celebrate a date that you feel was important. However, if you are throwing a sober party for someone else, you may want to ask them a few questions and figure out which date was the most important to them. If you’re feeling triggered or unsteady in recovery, or if you’ve relapsed, give us a call. At Footprints to Recovery, we view these situations as valuable teachers, and we treat them as such. They are opportunities to help you learn and strengthen your recovery.

The reason why these parties are so important is that sober parties emphasize the significance that the recovery process has. Many people look at the recovery process too lightly, thinking that it is only a matter of saying “no” to alcohol. In reality, staying sober is an ongoing process and a very difficult one at that.

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